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Template Haskell (TH) is an extension of GHC that allows the user to do type-safe compile-time meta-programming in Haskell. The idea behind template haskell comes from the paper "Template Meta-programming for Haskell" by S.P. Jones and T. Sheard. Template Haskell was shipped with GHC version 6.0. The compiler extension has evolved a lot since 2003 and its current state is well described at the GHC: User Manual and template-haskell package.

Initially, TH offered the ability to generate code at compile time and allowed the programmer to manipulate the abstract syntax tree (AST) of the program. The addition of new capabilities such as lifting, TExp , runIO, and quasiquoting opened a bunch of new use cases to explore.

In this blog post, we are going explore a bunch of interesting Template Haskell's use cases:

  • Type Class Derivation
  • N-ary Function Generation
  • Compile-time Static Input Validation
  • Arbitrary IO at Compile Time

This article assumes some familiarity with Haskell and, in particular, with Template Haskell. There are many well-written tutorials on the internet such as A Practical Template Haskell Tutorial or Template Haskell Tutorial. We strongly recommend reading the previously mentioned tutorials before continuing with the reading.

Use Cases

Before we start, these are the list of language extensions and imports that we are going to use in the following sections:

{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
import Codec.Picture
import Control.Applicative (ZipList (..))
import Control.Monad (replicateM, when)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Data hiding (cast)
import Data.Foldable
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Word
import Instances.TH.Lift ()
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Network.HTTP.Req
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import qualified Text.URI as URI

Ex 1: Type Class Derivation

Automatic derivation of type class instances is one of many problems that TH can solve. Although this problem can also be solved by generics, the compilation times are usually longer. For this reason, template haskell is still the preferred way to generate type class instances at compile time.

Here we present an example of how to derive the type class Foldable for arbitrary datatypes.

data List a 
  = Nil 
  | Cons a (List a)
deriveFoldable ''List

The implementation is as follows:

data Deriving = Deriving { tyCon :: Name, tyVar :: Name }
  deriving (Typeable)

deriveFoldable :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveFoldable ty = do
  (TyConI tyCon) <- reify ty
  (tyConName, tyVars, cs) <- case tyCon of
    DataD _ nm tyVars _ cs _   -> return (nm, tyVars, cs)
    NewtypeD _ nm tyVars _ c _ -> return (nm, tyVars, [c])
    _ -> fail "deriveFoldable: tyCon may not be a type synonym."

  let (KindedTV tyVar StarT) = last tyVars
  putQ $ Deriving tyConName tyVar

  let instanceType = conT ''Foldable `appT` foldl' apply (conT tyConName) (init tyVars)
  foldableD <- instanceD (return []) instanceType [genFoldMap cs]
  return [foldableD]

    apply t (PlainTV name)    = appT t (varT name)
    apply t (KindedTV name _) = appT t (varT name)

genFoldMap :: [Con] -> Q Dec
genFoldMap cs = funD 'foldMap (genFoldMapClause <$> cs)

genFoldMapClause :: Con -> Q Clause
genFoldMapClause (NormalC name fieldTypes)
  = do f          <- newName "f"
       fieldNames <- replicateM (length fieldTypes) (newName "x")

       let pats = varP f : [conP name (map varP fieldNames)]
           newFields = newField f <$> zip fieldNames (snd <$> fieldTypes)
           body = normalB $
             foldl' (\ b x -> [| $b <> $x |]) (varE 'mempty) newFields

       clause pats body []
genFoldMapClause _ = error "Not supported yet"

newField :: Name -> (Name, Type) -> ExpQ
newField f (x, fieldType) = do
  Just (Deriving typeCon typeVar) <- getQ
  case fieldType of
    VarT typeVar' | typeVar' == typeVar ->
      [| $(varE f) $(varE x) |]

    AppT ty (VarT typeVar') | leftmost ty == ConT typeCon && typeVar' == typeVar ->
        [| foldMap $(varE f) $(varE x) |]

    _ -> [| mempty |]
leftmost :: Type -> Type
leftmost (AppT ty1 _) = leftmost ty1
leftmost ty           = ty

Ex 2: N-ary Function Generation

Have you ever written a function like snd3 :: (a, b, c) -> b or snd4 :: (a, b, c, d) -> b ? Then, you can do better by letting the compiler write those boilerplate and error-prone functions for you.

Here we present an example of how to write an arbitrary-sized zipWith. We have chosen zipWith since it is a fairly simple function but complex enough to be used as the base to write more complex functions.

Here is a first implementation of zipWithN:

zipWithN :: Int -> Q [Dec]
zipWithN n
  | n >= 2 = sequence [funD name [cl1, cl2]]
  | otherwise = fail "zipWithN: argument n may not be < 2."
    name = mkName $ "zipWith" ++ show n

    cl1 = do
      f <- newName "f"
      xs <- replicateM n (newName "x")
      yss <- replicateM n (newName "ys")
      let argPatts = varP f : consPatts
          consPatts = [ [p| $(varP x) : $(varP ys) |]
                      | (x, ys) <- xs `zip` yss
          apply = foldl (\ g x -> [| $g $(varE x) |])
          first = apply (varE f) xs
          rest = apply (varE name) (f:yss)
      clause argPatts (normalB [| $first : $rest |]) []

    cl2 = clause (replicate (n+1) wildP) (normalB (conE '[])) []

This implementation works fine but the compiler will warn you about a missing signature on a top-level definition. In order to fix this, we need to add a type signature to the generated term:

zipWithN :: Int -> Q [Dec]
zipWithN n
  | n >= 2 = sequence [ sigD name ty, funD name [cl1, cl2] ]

    ty = do
      as <- replicateM (n+1) (newName "a")
      let apply = foldr (appT . appT arrowT)
          funTy = apply (varT (last as)) (varT <$> init as)
          listsTy = apply (appT listT (varT (last as))) (appT listT . varT <$> init as)
      appT (appT arrowT funTy) listsTy

Now you can use zipWithN to generate arbitrary-sized zipWith functions:

$(zipWithN 6)
$(zipWithN 7)
$(zipWithN 8)

Manually generating each instance partially defeats the purpose of zipWithN. In order to address this issue, we need the auxiliary function genZipWith. Notice, we will use an alternative simplified definition of zipWithN that exploits slicing and lifting to showcase.

genZipWith :: Int -> Q [Dec]
genZipWith n = traverse mkDec [1..n]
    mkDec ith = do
      let name = mkName $ "zipWith" ++ show ith ++ "'"
      body <- zipWithN ith
      return $ FunD name [Clause [] (NormalB body) []]

zipWithN :: Int -> Q Exp
zipWithN n = do
    xss <- replicateM n (newName "xs")
    [| \f ->
        $(lamE (varP <$> xss)
                [| getZipList
                        (\ g xs -> [| $g <*> $xs |])
                        [| pure f |]
                        (fmap (\xs -> [| ZipList $(varE xs) |]) xss)

Now, we can generate arbitrary sized zipWith functions

$(genZipWith' 20)

which will produce zipWith1, zipWith2, ..., zipWith19, zipWith20.

Ex 3: Compile-time Input Validation

Static input data is expected to be "correct" on a strongly typed programming language. For example, assigning the decimal number 256 to a variable of type Byte is expected to fail at compile time. So, let's try it on Haskell:

ghci> :m +Data.Word
ghci> 256 :: Word8
<interactive>:2:1: warning: [-Woverflowed-literals]
    Literal 256 is out of the Word8 range 0..255

Ops! Indeed, the code has compiled with an unexpected overflow. The keen-eyed reader may be thinking that this bug could have been prevented with the appropriate GHC flags -Wall and -Werror. Here we present a more general approach to validate static input data from the user using quasiquoting. This example can be easily adapted to all sorts of input data.

word :: QuasiQuoter
word = QuasiQuoter
  { quoteExp  = parseWord
  , quotePat  = notHandled "patterns"
  , quoteType = notHandled "types"
  , quoteDec  = notHandled "declarations"
  where notHandled things = error $
          things ++ " are not handled by the word quasiquoter."

parseWord :: String -> Q Exp
parseWord (trim -> str) =
  case words str of
    [w] ->
      case break (== 'u') w of
        (lit, size) ->
          case readMaybe @Integer lit of
            Just int -> do
              when (int < 0) $ fail "words are strictly positive"
              case size of
                "u8" -> castWord @Word8 ''Word8 int
                "u16" -> castWord @Word16 ''Word16 int
                "u32" -> castWord @Word32 ''Word32 int
                "u64" -> castWord @Word64 ''Word64 int
                _ -> fail ("size " <> size <> " is not one of {u8, u16, u32, u64}")
            Nothing -> fail (lit <> " cannot be parsed as Integer")

    _ -> fail ("Unexpected word: " <> str)
    castWord :: forall a. (Show a, Bounded a, Integral a) => Name -> Integer -> ExpQ
    castWord ty int
      | int <= fromIntegral (maxBound @a) = sigE [|int|] (conT ty)
      | otherwise = fail (pprint ty <> " is outside of bound: [0," <> show (maxBound @a) <> "]")

trim :: String -> String
trim = f . f where
  f = reverse . dropWhile isSpace

The word quasiquoter can validate static input data

ghci> [word| 255u8 |]
255 :: Word8

and emit a compilation-time error if the data is not valid

ghci> [word| 256u8 |]
<interactive>:315:7-15: error:
    * GHC.Word.Word8 is outside of bound: [0,255]
    * In the quasi-quotation: [word| 256u8 |]

Ex 4: Arbitrary IO at Compile Time

Running arbitrary IO on compile-time is one of the features of TH. This allows the user to make compilation dependant on external conditions such as the database schema, the current git branch or a local file content.

In this last example, we are going to use runIO and quasiquoting to get static pictures from remote and local files at compile-time. Notice, this example has been simplified to avoid all the overhead of proper error handling.

  1. Try to parse the input string as an url
  2. If it succeeds, request the content of the url as a bytestring
  3. Otherwise, interpret the input string as a file path and read its content.
  4. Decode the contents as a DynamicImage
  5. Lift the DynamicImage
img :: QuasiQuoter
img = QuasiQuoter {
    quoteExp  = imgExpQ
  , quotePat  = notHandled "patterns"
  , quoteType = notHandled "types"
  , quoteDec  = notHandled "declarations"
  where notHandled things = error $
          things ++ " are not handled by the img quasiquoter."

imgExpQ :: String -> ExpQ
imgExpQ str = do
  uri' <- URI.mkURI (T.pack str)
  bs <- runIO $ do
    (bs, dynImg) <- 
      case useURI uri' of
        Nothing -> BS.readFile str
        Just (Left (url, _)) -> requestBs url
        Just (Right (url, _)) -> requestBs url
    either fail (pure . (bs,)) $ decodeImage bs
  liftDynamicImage bs

liftDynamicImage :: ByteString -> Q Exp
liftDynamicImage bs = [| either error id (decodeImage bs) |]

requestBs :: Url scheme -> IO ByteString
requestBs url =
  runReq defaultHttpConfig $ do
    r <- req
    return (responseBody r)

The img quasiquoter can be used to load pictures as static data inside your binary

dynImg1 :: DynamicImage
dynImg1 = [img||]

dynImg2 :: DynamicImage
dynImg2 = [img|./resources/pig.png|]


During this blog post, we have seem some of the use cases of template haskell and how to implement them. We encourage the reader to use our examples to build new and more compelling use cases of template haskell and to share them with the community.

We hope you enjoyed this post and don't forget to share your own use cases for template haskell in the comments.